It is always a joy for us to welcome fellow Christians to sing, pray, and worship with us. Your presence is a blessing for us. Please read the following about two* important parts of our worship.

*REGARDING THE OFFERING…The members of this congregation offer their gifts to thank and praise God for His priceless gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation in Jesus. He graciously allows us to use those gifts to further the work of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus in our community and in our world. Visitors and guests are under no obligation to participate in the offering.

*REGARDING THE LORD'S SUPPER…Holy Communion is a gift Christ gives to His Church. In it, He offers His true body and blood, in, with, and under the bread and wine. When received in faith, it brings forgiveness, new life, and salvation. Those who commune together – “communion” means “community” – are also proclaiming their unity in the faith. Those who receive the Lord’s Supper at St. John’s are baptized Christians who have been instructed in, and publicly confess, the Lutheran faith. For this reason, only members of our congregation or sister congregations of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod are ordinarily communed at this altar. We ask those who are not yet instructed, or who hold a confession differing from that of this congregation, to refrain from receiving the Lord’s Supper today. Please see the Pastor if you have any questions.


If you are a visitor and wish to become a member or just have questions, please introduce yourself to the Pastor.  You may also seek out one of our Elders, they are usually standing by the pastor before service and they help him serve Communion.  


A nursery and adjoining family bathroom with changing table is available for your use, located just to the left of the sanctuary entrance. Families with busy children are invited to borrow a “Busy Bag” from the “Busy Tree” for your child(ren) during worship service.  Please return the filled bags to the tree before you leave.  Thank you.
